Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space

Stock: 2 piece
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
Learning Map No. 1 - Open Space
With just a few words and accurate illustrations the Open Space Learning Map will help you become confident in this popular worldwide method. The purpose of the Open Space method is to help create a culture of dialogue by customizing the method specifically for your organizational requirements.

Our unique Learning Maps are the essential tool to help any trainer/facilitator to have a quick at-a-glance reference at their fingertips. Whether you simply want to learn more about this method or use them as a vital part in your workshops, our maps are presented in a user-friendly style with simple explanations and intuitive illustrations making them easy to follow and to learn from.

Dimensions: open 68 x 99 cm / 26.8 x 39 inches, folded 9,7 x 24,7 cm / 3.8 x 10 inches
Language: Bilingual- English on one side and German on the other
ISBN: 978-3940315014
Open Space
clear: 14.18 €; gross:18.01
Bonus point : 0.27 €
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Az Opes Space technika célja, hogy segítsen az Ön szervezete kívánalmaihoz igazodó párbeszéd-struktúra kialakításában.

Ha szeretnéd még mélyebben megtanulni a módszert és annak használatát, jelentkezz a kapcsolódó online videókurzus képzésünkre: https://online.facilitator.hu/products/open-space

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