Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management

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Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Learning Map No. 6 - Project Management
Completely reworked!

This learning map includes everything you will need to familiarise yourself with the latest developments in participatory project management. In many organisations the talk is of a new kind of collaboration – shifting away from the authoritarian management of individuals and towards participatory teams. Classic approaches meet agile methods.

The unique thing about this learning map is that it immediately gets to the heart of the matter. With few words and memorable images, you are able to create, link and internalise content quickly and efficiently.

The bilingual design makes the learning map ideal for internationally active organisations and facilitators, trainers and consultants working in multilingual settings.

Dimensions: open 68 x 99 cm / 26.8 x 39 inches, folded 9,7 x 24,7 cm / 3.8 x 10 inches
Language: Bilingual- English on one side and German on the other
ISBN: 978-3940315250
Agilis módszertan
clear: 14.18 €; gross:18.01
Bonus point : 0.27 €
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Ez a tanulási térkép mindent tartalmaz, amire szüksége lehet ahhoz, hogy megértse a projektmenedzsment alapjait.
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