Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating

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Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Learning Map No. 4 - Visual Facilitating
Visual Facilitating & Graphic Recording – in other words, making communication within groups easier through the use of graphics, text and images. Discover a young occupational image and use visualization for your own work. Whether in meetings, workshops, training courses, conferences, lessons or lectures. The special thing about this learning map is that it gets straight to the point in any situation. With few words and relevant images, you can create, link and internalize content quickly and efficiently.

Our unique Learning Maps are the essential tool to help any trainer/facilitator to have a quick at-a-glance reference at their fingertips. Whether you simply want to learn more about this method or use them as a vital part in your workshops, our maps are presented in a user-friendly style with simple explanations and intuitive illustrations making them easy to follow and to learn from.

Dimensions: open 68 x 99 cm / 26.8 x 39 inches, folded 9,7 x 24,7 cm / 3.8 x 10 inches
Language: Bilingual- English on one side and German on the other
ISBN: 978-3940315045
Vizualizáció, Facilitáció
clear: 14.18 €; gross:18.01
Bonus point : 0.27 €
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